
We move together

We groove together

On Optimism đź”´

Get your Groove

Price: 0.008888888888888888 ETH
Contract: 0xde...cB69


These Grooves are already minted:


Unique Piece of Music

Proof of Groove is an audio-visual generative NFT on Optimism. Each mint generates a unique set of traits on-chain which a subgraph tracks to generate the audio and animated SVG deterministically in The Graph Network. The sound waves, visuals created by this decentralised synthesiser sounds like the hottest synth from the 80s.


We are a group of tinkerers with a shared love of neat digital experiences, synth sounds, innovation and music production. Proof of Groove is an experiment to set up a decentralised synthesiser and form a community of musicians, technology enthusiasts and artists, in order to push the borders of music production, distribution and performance.

Originals of the Groove are ultra-scarce NFTs, visually and acoustically mesmerising and are capped at 1152 grooves for the Optimism drop.

Generation Optimism

Symmetry and eternity. An octave in music is an interval where the higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. It is not constructed or invented but something that occurs naturally. For us this is the source of inspiration for our first generation on Optimism:

Composition of Generation Optimism

An octave is the smallest group in our collection. Each octave consits of twelve Grooves visiting each Semitone:
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B
So when minting your groove, pay attention to what semitone was minted last. Combining twelve octaves results in a set. Generation Optimism consists of these twelve sets:

  • Live
  • Drop
  • Step
  • Core
  • Tech
  • Dance
  • Beat
  • Synth
  • Wave
  • Break
  • Drone
  • Noise

So in total we have 1152 Grooves that can be minted in Generation Optimism.


Each Groove has different traits, which generate the unique piece of music and the visualization. You can imagine the groove being the cylinder of a classical music box.
The groove NFT is translated into a SVG file able to display the visualization and the music in every conventional browser.


Six traits determine how your groove sounds and looks:

  • Base note
    The base note is the root of the harmony, the tuning of your groove.
  • BPM - Beat Per Minute
    The higher, the faster is your groove.
  • Chill
    From “lethargic” to “stressfull”, with everything in between.
  • Instrument
    Dirty or Island. All decided by the synthesizer.
  • Scale
    Minor, Major or Oriental? The 24 scales define the harmonic atmosphere of the groove.